Casement Windows
Casement Window
Our timber casement windows are rebated in pairs and routed out for whitcos. They are available pre-hung in frames ready to install or sashes only. All styles have clear tempered glass as a standard finish. Obscured glass and other glazing options are available upon request. Majority of our casement windows are pre-primed white. Varnish grade is available and will need to be ordered in.
Casement Windows
Cross Lite
Casement Windows
Half Hopscotch
Casement Windows
Pre Hung – Casement
Casement Windows
Pre Hung Bank – 3,4,5,6 Sashes
Casement Windows
Pre Hung Bank 2 Pair
Casement Windows
VL061 – Single Lite
Casement Windows
VL063 – Hopscotch
Casement Windows
VL065 – 6 Lite
Casement Windows
VL066 – 8 Lite
Casement Windows
VL082 – 4 Lite